Tax Audits
Tax audit notifications are usually a source of anxiety for taxpayers. Use of professional representation means incurring an extra cost, but self representation may cost more for the following reasons:
Once a client signs a Power of Attorney, AccompTax, Inc. takes over all communication with the tax auditor. You will be advised what records are needed, and the company handles all meetings and phone discussions with the tax agency for the years in question. Thorough review and worksheet summation of taxpayer amounts by tax category are hallmarks of AccompTax's audit practice. Auditors appreciate this because it takes them less time to complete an examination. Repeat engagements with certain auditors has resulted in congenial, respectful working relationships. This works far better in arriving at a fair result for clients than an adversarial situation does.
If you have been audited and are unsure about the fairness of your result, an audit reconsideration may be available for you. AccompTax, Inc. can evaluate if too much time has passed for this option to be applicable. If the opportunity is there, the firm can review a taxpayer's audit adjustment report and the documentation from which a questionable decision resulted. After the evaluation, the client can decide whether to proceed or leave the matter closed as it is.